Art of Leisure has always been circling around home and the leisure lifestyle in Sonoma and Napa Valley. This naturally includes the physical structure of a home, the spirit of its occupants including pets, surrounding gardens, and the thriving wine country community. Below, you will see my oil paintings of pets, very much a part of a healthy and happy home life. Our four footed friends are an important element of our lives, as noted by artists and authors over the centuries.
For many years, I have endeavored to help the shelter pet community. Many afternoons, I would visit the shelter, sit with an animal, paint a plein air painting of it and share a print with the person who eventually gave it a new home. This practice developed into the creation of my Shelter Pet Cards, sold at such shops as:
- Summer Vine, Sonoma
- Artifact Design & Salvage, Sonoma
- Sonoma Country Antiques, Sonoma
- Sue Fisher King, San Francisco
Now I am bringing this service to those who would like to memorialize a moment in their and their pet’s life. Hopefully, a delightful, happy occasion in which I can help bring your pet to life in a pet portrait painting.